
The Cheyenne Slow Roll began in the summer of 2016 as a family friendly, weekly bike ride event. Over the years, the roll has become a summer time favorite for many a rider. Each roll proceeds at a leisurely pace over the span of an hour, with a typical distance of 5 miles, but may occasionally be up to 8. Music and conversation fills the streets as we roll along our route, with many rollers finding great new friends. Then there are the theme nights, well... those are best to experience for yourself. Happy Rolling! 

Roll the Legend

Cheyenne is rich with history.  What began as a flat, treeless, high plains desert, evolved into a bustling "Magic City of the Plains" in the later half of the 19th century.  This was all a result of the Union Pacific Railroad, and the lively opportunities this connection provided to the many who came to settle in the west.  The stories have become legendary, and can still be heard in the whispers of historic downtown.  See for yourself, as we roll the legend each week!

Family Friendly Fun

Join us for our regular season rolls, every Wednesday night throughout the summer!

Check out this year's events here